
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 vs Pentium B940

Based on 72371 user benchmarks for the Intel Core2 Duo E8400 and the Pentium B940, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best ...

Intel Core2 Duo P8400 vs Pentium B940

Based on 10735 user benchmarks for the Intel Core2 Duo P8400 and the Pentium B940, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best ...

筆電用CPU SR07S (Intel Pentium B940) 保一個月01C259

已售完 General information Type CPU / Microprocessor Family Intel Pentium Dual-Core Mobile Processor number ? B940 Part number FF8062700847801 Frequency (GHz) ?

Intel Pentium B940 Mobile processor

Internally, Pentium B940 incorporates two CPU cores, with each core having dedicated 64 KB L1 cache and 256 KB L2 cache, and operating at 2 GHz. As all Sandy ...

Intel Pentium B940 vs Core2 Duo T6600

The Intel Pentium B940 @ 2.00GHz is newer than Intel Core2 Duo T6600 @ 2.20GHz also around 8% faster in multi-threaded (CPU Mark) testing but the CPUs have ...

Intel Pentium B940 @ 2.00GHz

Benchmarks for the Intel Pentium B940 can be found below. Release dates, price and performance comparisons are also listed when available.

Intel Pentium B940 Duo Core 2.0GHz Laptop CPU SR07S ...

Intel Pentium B940 Duo Core 2.0GHz Laptop CPU SR07S Fully Tested ; Approx. ILS 25.09 ; Shipping. Ask seller for shipping quote. From Port Coquitlam, Canada.

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體,2.00 GHz) - 下載支援資源,包括驅動程式、軟體、BIOS 與韌體更新。

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體

Intel® Pentium® 處理器B940 (2M 快取記憶體,2.00 GHz) 含規格、功能與技術的快速參考。

Intel Pentium B940 Specs

The Intel Pentium B940 was a mobile processor with 2 cores, launched in June 2011. It is part of the Pentium lineup, using the Sandy Bridge architecture.


Basedon72371userbenchmarksfortheIntelCore2DuoE8400andthePentiumB940,werankthembothoneffectivespeedandvalueformoneyagainstthebest ...,Basedon10735userbenchmarksfortheIntelCore2DuoP8400andthePentiumB940,werankthembothoneffectivespeedandvalueformoneyagainstthebest ...,已售完GeneralinformationTypeCPU/MicroprocessorFamilyIntelPentiumDual-CoreMobileProcessornumber?B940PartnumberFF8062700847801Freque...